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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou,

O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Prayers for the Battle

A Prayer for Pope Francis


By Fray Nelson 


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, that because of love for us and our salvation You became part of the human race and at the price of Your Blood, you purchased us forever as Your People and the sheep of Your Flock; Lord Jesus Christ, that You loved the Church and gave yourself up for Her, and in Your Wisdom you wanted that Saint Peter Apostle and his successors, sustained by Your own prayer, would have the incomparable mission of confirming us in the Faith, taking Your Flock to the complete union in You and with You and to bring all peoples to obedience to the Gospel that Your Holy Apostles preached with zeal and fidelity.


Lord Jesus Christ appealing to your Sacred Heart and to the effective intercession of your Blessed Mother, who has been greeted and presented as Mother of The Church, we ask this prayer for Pope Francis: May your Holy Jesus wounds not move away from his eyes, that he simply cannot forget the price of Love that you have paid for the demon to be defeated, the idols torn down, the death defeated, the sin forgiven and the doors of eternal glory are opened to those who believe and confess Faith.


- May his ears feel a strong alarm, whenever the traps of the enemy want to persuade him to mix up the approvals of the world, or the pressures of society with the greatness and purity of the message of Salvation, that You have entrusted to him as Peter's successor.


- May his mouth receive a Renewed Grace, so that his word separating from all ambiguity clearly defends the sane Doctrine while continuing to call everyone to unity in Christ for the Glory of God the Father.

- May his feet steadily oriented to your Glory Jesus, seeking you in the silence of the sanctuary, recognizing you in The Testimony of the scriptures, preaching your gospel with a clear, transparent and fiery word, and always serving you especially in the poorest, that is to say those who know least about you Lord, since there is no greater misery than to ignore the God who has loved us so much.


- May his mind receive a singular Grace from the Holy Spirit, to recognize and discern according to the charism of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, hich inspirations are of God, which come from purely human and mundane interests, and which have their roots in the spirit of darkness that round looking for who to devour.


- May his hands carry out the work of caring for The Flock of yours Jesus Christ, in a way that is physically incapable of signing or supporting what dirties, confuses, degrades or denies the Faith, which the martyrs defended, and instead has a firm pulse to guide the helm and lead the Church's ship back to its own route beyond the stumbling blocks and interests of this passing world


... and finally we ask you Lord Jesus Christ, that the heart of Pope Francis be immersed in the fire of your own Heart, so that he can correct himself from his own faults, since we all have them; thus, he can preach to us with force and much light on the roots of our sins and the evils that today loom over the Church.



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