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Well done my child.

God gives all of us many and different talents. So what are we supposed to do with these so-called talents? “Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them” (Romans 12:6).

Jesus also tells us that we are the light of the world and He admonishes us about not hiding this light under a bushel basket. In fact, we are called to set the light on a lamp stand for everyone to see. (Matthew 5:14-16)

Exercising our talents might be easy. The problem is that in this ego-centered world of individualism, pride, selfishness and self-pleasure, we tend to use God’s gifts in order to show His light as “our own”. And this is clearly pride, a sin and must continually fight.

But, furthermore, the question we must ponder is why? Why must we use these God given talents? The answer is for love, love for our Lord, our God and Creator.

This is what all the saints have done. To take only one: Saint Ferdinand of Spain, who was King and as such had many riches and much power. Besides, he was an extremely blessed man, who received many glories and much admiration from his own people. Now, he was not a saint because of those graces and accomplishments, but because he pursued the glory of God and not his. “O Lord, who search the secrets of hearts, know that I desire thy glory, not mine; and the increase of thy faith, and holy religion, not of transitory kingdoms”. So he prayed.

God has given us many talents so we can freely use these gifts to serve Him, to adore Him and to love Him. To serve Him, in accepting and accomplishing His will and only His will. To adore Him, by offering our actions for His glory. To love Him, by letting Jesus Christ shine through us and through our actions. Always remembering that we must only desire His glory and not our own.

And then, just like Saint Ferdinand and so many saints, all we can hope for is that in the last day, when God calls us to account for the “talents” He has given us, we can simply say in humble adoration “my Lord and my God, your humble servant is here to adore Thee, allow my soul be yours now, always and forever yours”, and He would then say “well done my child, come and rejoice in My eternal presence”.


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