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We Are Part of God's Nobility

Those of us who profess Jesus Christ as our Lord and God are blessed to be incorporated into the Nobility of God. With this adoption as His sons and daughters we are set apart.

It is easily said that we are God’s children. But have we really reflected on what this privilege implies? Similar to a prince or a princess who inherit royalty through nothing of their own doing except to be born of a king and queen, we are born to be part of the nobility of the Kingdom of God and have a special dignity as His children.

And it is only because of God’s infinite Mercy that we are part of His Kingdom. Remember, we have done nothing to deserve this. So, His Mercy is not to be taken for granted.

Let us remember also that His Kingdom will last forever (Luke 1, 33) which means we can be part of this royal line eternally.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope … to an inheritance that is imperishable” (1 Peter 1:3-4).

Again, this inheritance being imperishable means we can live this life as part of God’s Nobility forever and ever.

Now, nothing did we do to deserve this high status. But as part of this Divine Nobility, we have some responsibilities. It is our duty to live a life deserving of these royal privileges: mainly a life striving for virtue and rejecting sin.

The virtues we practice keep us within the Nobility of God, and bring light to the Kingdom. “You are the light of the world … your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father” (Matthew 5, 14 & 16).

On the other hand, when we do not fulfill our responsibilities, when we live in sin, we bring darkness to the Kingdom.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit on this Feast of Pentecost to shower us with special graces so that we can fulfill our responsibilities as part of this royal line of the Nobility of God, so that we may bring light to the Kingdom and then enjoy forever the inheritance that God wishes to give His noble sons and daughters.


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