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Mary, the Mother of God, appeared in Italy in1947 to Pierina Gilli, calling herself Rosa Mystica, which has been one of her titles from antiquity.

She first appeared to Pierina with three swords piercing her heart, and afterwards with three roses in the place of the swords.

She explained the meaning of the swords:

1st Sword: The religious souls who betray their vocation.

2nd Sword: The religious souls in mortal sin.

3rd Sword: The souls of priests and monks who, “while giving up their vocation, they often lose also their faith, their eternal beatitude, and become enemies of the Church”.

Today the Church -Priests, Religious and Laity- pierce Mary’s heart. But deeper is her pain when it comes from Priests and Religious who abandon their vocation and even become enemies of the Church.

So Mary gave us instructions to remedy the painful swords. Appearing with three roses in the place of the swords, she explained:

1st Rose: The white rose indicates the spirit of prayer.

2nd Rose: The red rose is the spirit of sacrifice.

3rd Rose: The yellow rose, with golden reflections, is the spirit of penitence.

So, to counteract the pain of the swords, we must pray, pray and pray. We should also offer expiation in prayer and sacrifice for these offenses, which means asking God’s forgiveness for those who sin. And we must also offer penitence, which Our Lady explained: "Penitence means acceptance of the little daily crosses and also doing one's work in the spirit of penitence." May our work be also an offering to God.

Mary also asked for a special day of prayer the 13thof each month and a day of yearly celebration on July 13th. So, let’s start as soon as possible with our prayer, expiation and penitence in order to help remove the painful swords from Our Lady’s heart, planting the three joyful roses she asks of us.

Our Catholic church badly needs this contribution of reparation from us.


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