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The Foolishness of the Soul

We tend to dismiss Adam and Eve like fools that did not know how to enjoy the perfect life granted to them by God in the Garden of Eden. However, would we have made a better decision confronted by the Devil? And what have we been doing throughout our lives? Haven’t we sinned each time we have rejected God’s Will? Aren’t we acting foolishly too?

We are fools when we do not appreciate God’s Love and Mercy for us. More often than not, we repeat Adam and Eve’s sin, when we disobey God’s designs for us and reject His Love.

But we have an alternate model, our saintly celestial Mother, the Virgin Mary, who showed us how to love God and how to respond to Him. The young teenage virgin betrothed to Saint Joseph, who “found favor with God”, helped saved us from our sins with her response, a simple and humble “Yes” to His Will. And her “I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word” made her Corredemptrix of the world, because she made our redemption possible.

The Virgin Mary showed she was not a fool when accepting God’s Will with no hesitation whatsoever. And her unconditional “Yes” helped bring about the greatest miracle: the coming of Christ the King, Who would save the world.

But… how many times has God also asked us to say “Yes” and we have said “NO”? That is the foolishness of the soul.

God, our Creator, exercises His almighty power according to His Will, which is full of Wisdom, Mercy and Love. But we, foolish souls, repeat Adam and Eve’s response to temptation: we reject His Will.

Let us remember that we are called to imitate Blessed Virgin Mary: “finding favor with God” by responding “I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word”.


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