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The Breath of Love

When God created Adam, the Bible tells us, He “blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being(Gen 2:7). Let’s meditate about that moment of “vital” importance, let’s imagine what could have happened.

God is Love and Love is what flows from Him. And in turn, we were created to love God.

Think about the “breath of life” instant, what would that moment be like? Maybe it would be more like a deep inhale and exhale. Imagine a moment when all the Love that God wanted to pass onto us was concentrated in one instance of soft breath blown into our face.

Hypothetically, imagine God stopping time to concentrate and ponder about what He wanted to pass onto us. Then, closing His eyes, He slowly inhales feeling joy as He knows that He is giving Himself to love us. His heart is totally and joyfully filled with everything good in the universe. Then He starts exhaling softly, filling Adam, the first man, with an amazing combination of life, intelligence, free will, a beautiful soul and the ability to love Him back.

At that moment, Adam opened his eyes and sees for the first time his Creator. At that moment God looked at that gentle, innocent and fragile man with compassion and Love beyond any boundaries. That first moment when humanity discovered God, the instant when humanity felt love for the first time. A moment of such gentleness that reverberated through Creation like a tsunami of Love.

Next time we pray, next time we meditate, let’s imagine the moment of our own creation. Let’s imagine that God is stopping time around us to have that intimate moment. Imagine when God gave us life, when He gave us intelligence, our soul and free will, that moment when He gave us the ability to love Him back. Let’s imagine exhaling and freeing our hearts of any worries or responsibilities. Then let’s put ourselves in front of God’s face while He looks at us, loving us and saying… my dear and fragile child, I love you! Then, we take a deep breath to inhale all God’s love that fills our hearts with joy. And in return we say, I love you above all things, Father!


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