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The art of killing each other

God is pure love, love that gives without expectations, love that desires nothing more but to be loved back. Asked when would the Kingdom of God come, Jesus answered “behold, the kingdom of God is among you” (Luke 17: 20-21). Jesus also reminded us we had two commandments, two commandments about love: love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself.

But hate, malice, selfishness, envy have taken over our societies. The world is full of division since the beginning of times. However, this seems more acute during our times. Men radicalize into bands and take positions to fight against each other, and in the darkness of the internet, under the anonymous names, fight each other without mercy. Having some of the facts, we invent the rest of the narrative to fit our ideas. We have now perfected the art of killing each other through the nonsensical one-line comments that destroy people’s lives without remorse, without repentance.

But God’s Love engendered His kingdom in the fire of the Holy Spirit. He created the Kingdom so that we could all be one Heart and inside this Heart we could all live filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with Love and Mercy.

The human race rejects the pure Love that is poured into our hearts and among us. And rejecting that Love we fill our hearts with the devil’s works, with pride and evil.

God’s pain in the Cross is augmented with our own sins. We help the soldiers drive those nails deeper in our Lord’s body when we sin, when we do not love each other, when each ill-conceived hating chatter kills another man’s character.

Let’s stop writing mean things in the darkness of the internet and practice the mercy of God. Let’s build the Kingdom of God in our midst by loving each other with the selfless Love of God.

In so doing we will ease the Lord’s pain in His Heart and to console Him on that Cross.


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