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We have a few days left to the end of the month of May, dedicated to the Queen of Heaven and Earth, our Blessed Mother. But it is time enough to prepare for her a generous and beautiful Spiritual Bouquet.

What is a Spiritual Bouquet? As a starter, it is a gift that our Most Blessed Mother appreciates and likes very much. It is a bouquet of spiritual flowers.

And what are spiritual flowers? They are all those acts and prayers, penances and self-denials, good deeds and virtues that adorn a Christian, and that we offer to Her.

Spiritual flowers are many of the things She asked for in Fatima, in Lourdes and in her other apparitions here on earth.

A list of flowers for that bouquet can have some or all of these things:

. Masses

. Sacramental Communions

. Spiritual Communions

. Rosaries

. Prayers of Consecration to BV Mary

. Visits to the Blessed Sacrament

. Reading and meditation of the Bible

. Sacrifices (self-denial of something we want)

. Penances (self-denial of some bad tendency or vice)

. Acts of Virtue (patience, kindness, forbearance, goodness, forgiveness, etc.)

. Works of charity and mercy

. Alms

Each one can be a kind of flower or a flower of a certain color, depending on our taste.

We can make a list and even count how many flowers of each kind or color we gather. Or we can count them mentally, if we prefer.

And we can present them to Her on the last day of May as a gift to our Mother and Queen.

Notice that this is a way of doing during a certain amount of time prayers and acts that should be part of our daily lives. And gathering this bouquet of flowers, we can get used to practicing some of them permanently.

We have one week to prepare with generosity this beautiful Spiritual Bouquet. Will you?


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