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Painful Heart

The most painful heart is certainly the Heart of Jesus. One day way back in 1673, Jesus Himself appeared to a young French nun, Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque. He let her know how hurt He was of our attitude towards Him.

“I have so much loved you”, He said. “And what was most painful in My Passion was your disdain and ingratitude”. Big words, no? What was most painful in His Passion –and He had terrible pains and sufferings!- was our disdain and our ingratitude.

The Heart of Jesus is the symbol of His Infinite Love for us. He wishes to be loved back. And to love Jesus is to trust in Him.

“Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You”.

“Jesus, I trust in You”.

And to trust in Him is to accept totally His Will. His Will for us is what is best for us, because it proceeds directly from His Infinite Love shown to us in His Sacred Heart.

The feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated the Friday after the Solemnity of Corpus Cristi. And the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In his apparitions a Saint Margaret Mary, Jesus also gave us a wonderful practice: Communion on the Nine First Fridays of each month. And He promised that those who received Communion during Nine First Fridays consecutively without interruption, would receive the grace of final perseverance, that is, eternal salvation. He wished that those Holy Communions be an act of reparation for the offenses against the Blessed Sacrament and that they be received with the desire to honor His Sacred Heart and of achieving final perseverance.

The Nine First Fridays is a wonderful devotion and very useful for our salvation.

Let us honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus trusting in Him and receiving Communion the First Fridays of each month. It is a consolation for His painful Heart.


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