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Our hearts are restless!

Oh Lord, my love and safe shore.

My heart sail through the storms in the night of my sins. The night is long and the waves of temptations crush the hull of even the strongest soul, I thought I was the strongest. Through the mist of the worldly affections I can barely see your lighthouse in the shores of heaven.

The voyage is exhausting, I want to give up, I feel like letting the currents of the culture take the vessel of my life. It is an appealing thought! But if I let go, I know what will happen to my fragile vessel, I can see the rocks that would destroy it. And yet my strength is fading, I need your light to guide me, to give me hope.

I once believed that my strength alone could calm seas and quiet storms. Now I know, that my fragile vessel cannot traverse these waters alone. I look back and see every turn of the rudder of my decisions in the wake of my boat. I also see how close to those rocks I have put myself and that only the light of your lighthouse has saved me from utter destruction.

My weak legs cannot sustain me anymore, my feeble arms cannot move the rudder anymore, not even my once indomitable will can continue the fight. Only the sight of your lighthouse and the desire to rest in the warm sands of your shores are driving my vessel.

In my weakest and in complete wonder, I realize that there is an outside force pulling me to your shore. In the most intimate dwelling of my heart, the light has become clear, bright and strong. It shows me the clear path to your shore. The rough waters have subsided and the rocks are far away. In my weakest, I can finally see that your Love is the strongest!

Only then, I feel floating quietly and effortlessly to your lighthouse. The night is almost over and the first rays of the sunrise engulf my vessel and I can breathe, I feel the strength coming back and I remember St Augustine’s words:

“Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee”

Thank you, Lord, I want to rest in Thee!


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