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"I Stand at the Door and Knock"

Updated: Feb 7, 2019

God’s Love is eternal, infinite and constant. We do not deserve God’s Love. It is a free gift! But many times, we reject it.

When God comes to our house -to our heart- He knocks at the door and offers us that gift. And how many times have we slammed the door in His face! But unlike a normal human response, He does not turn around to never come back. He, in His infinite Mercy, is always at the door, waiting for us to open.

“I stand at the door and knock” (Rev 3:20)

When we sin or reject His teachings or we do not do His Will, we are slamming the door of our hearts in His face. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

So, what should be our response? Obviously, anyone would answer… open the door, take the gift. Consequently, our response to God’s gift of Love should be to open our hearts to Him.

So, let’s not leave Him at the door: let’s invite Him into our home, into our room, even invite Him to stay in our home forever.

Moreover, we would want to clean our house for our guest. We would also enthusiastically introduce our children to Him.

And what would God do next? If we invite Him to stay, He will shower us with gifts. If we ask Him to leave for any reason, He would stay at the door knock again and say: “here I am, would you accept me?”

And when if after many rejections -that sometimes we even do with hatred- we finally come to our senses and open the door, then God’s response is pure Love. He smiles at us and says: “my child, thank you for opening the door, here is your gift”.

And when we leave the door open and invite Him to stay, He will cascade us with Love, He will overwhelm us with that gift to the point that our hearts will explode in love to others.

It is the time now to open the doors of our hearts, invite Him to stay in our innermost. Then He will enter and have a wonderful endless feast with us.

“I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me” (Rev 3 :20)

"The Light of the World," William Holman Hunt, 1851-56, Manchester City Art Gallery.


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