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Made in Heaven

"The first time I held you inside My Heart, it was one of those moments that poets describe as made in Heaven. Our relationship was blessed, blessed in a way that only the two of us could experience.

The tenderness of the moment was sung by the Seraphim in the mellowest velvet tone, tender to listen and soft to the touch. Only Love could have created that moment, only Love could have embraced the emotions of this soft skin inside such peaceful velvet Heart.

But I knew -like I know all other things- that you were about to suffer, because the Evil one -in his great envy of this most beautiful Love- was prowling around to destroy what was made in Heaven.

What to do? Protect you with total control or give you total freedom? How to protect you from the abyss of sin? My Love for you is so immense that I cannot see you separated from Me. If control was the answer, the Evil one would not get to you, My precious child, but you would never truly love Me back.

I know! I will give you freedom and when falling to the Evil one, I will be ready to welcome you back in My Heart. I will give Myself until death -if necessary. I will carry all your sins -if necessary. Mercy will be the mighty weapon against the Prince of Lies. And sin will not win. You, My little one, will have an open door. I will run to your encounter, My child, when seeing you far in the horizon walking back to the home of My Heart.

Then I thought … But with freedom, how can I make my child love me back? I will then be a lighthouse to you. My example, My precepts, My light will guide you back to My house because I know your wounded heart. It will never have the fullness it seeks until it is cuddled inside My Heart. The Evil one will be defeated. Your will feel safe once again in the soft and tender velvet of My Love, while you hear the sweet melody of the Seraphim."

With this tenderness God creates every human. With this tenderness He created you and me, gracing us with our freedom and pouring His infinite Light to guide us, His infinite Mercy to soften us and His infinite Love to transform us.


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