On the Cross, just before expiring, Jesus said: “It is fulfilled”, that is, “It is finished”. “Yes, Father”, Jesus seems to say, “I already fulfilled all that You asked of Me, everything that We Three decided from all eternity. I fulfilled the Redemption of all”.
And Jesus says to me: “I suffered much, but I redeemed you. I already did what I had to do to deliver you from sin, from eternal death and from de Devil”.
Jesus complied. ¿And we? ¿What have we to do? We also have our part in Redemption. And not only in our own redemption, but also in the redemption of others.
And Jesus tells me: “What are you giving? Could you not leave that sin, that vice, that bad conduct, in order to respond to my salvation graces? What is your contribution? When I was dying in the Cross and during My Passion, I paid for each of your sins.
I give you My graces, but you must accept them. I only ask that you let Me live in your soul, fulfilling the Will of the Father. That is my most ardent gift, so that My suffering for you does not go to waste. I wish to be accepted as the Owner of your life, so I can perform in you the wishes of this most loving Heart”.
“And another petition: can you not help me redeem other souls? Could you fulfill what My Apostle Paul said: “I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ” (Col 1: 24). I am not asking too much. Only accept your everyday small sufferings or that great suffering, and unite it to My suffering on the Cross. You can offer it for yourself. But if you offer it up for others, you are helping Me redeem other souls. Can I count on you?”
And when you unite your will to Mine, denying yourself and letting Me rule your life, then I can also say to Our Father: “It is fulfilled. Everything is also fulfilled in this soul”.
Third Word: "Jesus said to his mother: "Woman, this is your son." Then he said to the disciple: "This is your mother."
Fourth Word - "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me"
Fifth Word: "I Thirst"
Sixth Word: "It is finished"
Seventh Word: "Father, into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit"