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“Ingratitude hurts me”

“Ingratitude hurts me”, the Lord could say to us, as He did before to Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque, with His open Heart surrounded by thorns.

There is a form of ingratitude that we don’t even realize: do we thank Him as He deserves for each Holy Communion? Why do we all leave as in stampede at the end of Mass? Don’t we realize that we have God Himself, Jesus Christ Alive within us? Jesus Christ is God and is everywhere, but Jesus Christ Alive as Man and as God is within us for about 10 to 15 minutes, while the Sacred Host is decomposed. Couldn’t we remain in prayer at least for 10 minutes after Mass is over? It is time to adore Him, while all His Human being and all His Divine Being is within us. Why leave Church in a hurry without having duly thanked Him and without having given Him the adoration He wishes after we receive Him in each Communion? Could He not tell us that He is hurt with our ingratitude after having received Him?

If invited to dine at friends’ house we don’t leave right after dinner, why do we behave differently with Jesus?

He wishes that we prepare ourselves to receive Him. We could use some brief prayers: Repentance (asking His forgiveness for venial sins committed since our last Communion). Also, some prayers of Faith (“I believe in your Real Presence, increase my Faith”). A prayer of confidence (“I trust in You and in your plans for me”). A prayer of abandonment (“I totally abandon myself to You. I desire Your Will. I unite myself to Your Will”).

And after having received Him, what else? In those moments a prayer of adoration, of thanksgiving, of confidence, of abandonment, of praise, etc. is preferable.

Some ideas:

Adoring the Father, through His Son, in union with the Holy Spirit is a way of thanksgiving.

A favorite Psalm can be said: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.

He restores my soul” (Ps 23).

If we petition, let us ask for “good things” that God wishes to give us (Lk 11: 13), like virtues (“Lord, please increase my Faith. Lord, I want to be more humble. Lord, help me be docile to your plans). “Good things” are the Beatitudes (“Lord, I want to be poor in spirit, knowing that I am nothing and can do nothing without You. Lord, help me accept this suffering”). “Good things” are the Fruits of the Spirit –Gal 5: 22: (Lord, teach me to be kind to others, teach me to understand and to forgive. Lord, give me temperance and self control”).

Each person prays as the Holy Spirit inspires, but whatever the form of prayer, it is convenient to remain in recollection after Communion.


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