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In the Silence of the Sepulcher

This Holy Week of 2020 is not going to be easily forgotten. For the first time in history most churches around the world have been closed for a while. Watching the Holy Father give the urbi et orbi blessing in an empty Saint Peter’s Square during a rainy dusk was eerie. The Mass of Palm Sunday with no one present in Saint Peter’s Basilica was breathtakingly odd.

After these years of Priests’ scandals, and now this pandemic, bringing the required social distancing, causing churches to be closed and not being able to actually receive the Eucharist, it feels in many ways like we are also living a rainy dusk in our times. It seems like every day it is harder to be Catholic. Maybe we want to give up. But what can we do?

Salvation came to us when Jesus handed Himself over to be killed on the Cross. But the history of salvation did not end there. After His death He was placed in the Holy Sepulcher and on the third day He rose, defeating sin, defeating the Devil, and obtaining for us the opportunity of being with Him in Heaven in eternal adoration.

Now, our hearts are Jesus’ secret Sepulcher, because He lives most powerfully and intensely in the silence of our hearts. And that happens when we pray and when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion … even in Spiritual Communion.

This is why every day we must fight the Devil that wants us to maintain the doors of the sepulcher of our hearts closed. He wants sin to become the pandemic that locks it to prevent Jesus from living powerfully and intensely in that secret silence.

So, let us enter into the internal Holy Sepulcher of our hearts, in order to find Jesus in that secret silence and adore Him as our Lord and Savior. He will then resurrect in our hearts and shower us with fresh new graces each time.

Dear Blessed Mother, guide us so we may find your Son Jesus in the deepest silence of our hearts. May our hearts be the Holy Sepulcher in which He wants to resurrect daily, so we may say with Saint Paul “it is no longer I who lives, but Christ Jesus within me.”


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