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How to defend ourselves

We are attacked every day by an aggressive aberrant culture and our best defense is prayer. Satan is very strong in our culture. But we have our defense: the Rosary is the weapon to crush the Devil.

This is why the Blessed Virgin Mary always requests that we pray the Rosary. When we do, we contribute to the battle, to the spiritual battle between God and Satan, and to the triumph of Good over Evil.

And in so doing, we unite ourselves with many other warriors in this battle. It was Blessed Pope Pius IX who said: “Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.”

Satan hates the Rosary. And there is a simple reason why Satan hates the Rosary so much. In Genesis 3:15, we first learn of God’s words to Satan: “I will put enmity between you and the Woman, and between your offspring and hers; they will strike at your head”. And “the Woman” is always asking us to pray the Rosary.

Famous exorcist Fr. Gabrielle Amorth was asked who was the most effective intercessor in his ministry. Without a doubt he answered: “Of course, the Virgin Mary… One day I asked Satan: ‘Why do you fear more when I invoke Mary than when I invoke Jesus Christ?’ The Devil answered: ‘I am more humiliated to be defeated by a human being than by Him!’”

But here is the catch: we cannot defeat this fallen angel by ourselves. As an angel, Satan is a very powerful creature. And he is the inventor of deception and deception rules the world. This is the reason why our Heavenly Mother is asking us to pray the Rosary to defeat Satan.

Our Mother needs our prayers. And the Rosary is our defense, “the weapon” that defeats the prince of lies.

Our response, then, has got to be as simple as Saint Paul’s advise: “…I want you to be wise as to what is good, and simple as to what is evil; then the God of peace will quickly crush Satan under your feet.” (Romans 16:19-20)


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