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God will provide

We are called to trust God in our everyday concerns (Matthew 6: 25-34), which means being assured that God will provide. It means having Abraham’s faith when he was about to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, who asked “where is the sheep for the burnt offering?” Abraham’s answer: “God will provide” (Genesis 22: 7-8).

Our culture is more concerned about the “choice” of a woman than teaching this new generation about trusting in God’s Divine Providence for us, being assured that by loving life -all life- He will provide.

For many years some of us didn’t know any Pope other than John Paul II. He later became one of the greatest Saints of the Catholic Church. Saint John Paul II was the Pope prepared to help defeat Communism and “its errors”. For a long while the communist agenda has been creeping into our societies, attacking all of our Christian values and destroying our belief in God, hence attempting to deconstruct our entire western civilization.

I once saw this wonderful saint in person addressing a huge audience of young people, and I will never forget the experience. His speech was captivating: “It is necessary to educate in the value of life” … “opening the doors to Christ means announcing, celebrating and preserving the gift of life”. Sadly, attacks on our western civilization in the form of Socialism-Communism and the culture of death continue its path of destruction.

But a society with strong family values and strong culture of life is very difficult to destroy. This is reason enough to be courageous Christians, promoters of human rights and defenders of all human life.

I miss the clear direction, determination and leadership of the tireless warrior, defender of the culture of life and human dignity, who was JPII. But he left us his teachings and we remember his leadership.

Life is not a choice but a blessing from God and as a divine blessing, not only will He protect it, He will also provide for it. He will also protect and provide for the society that loves and embraces life. Hence –in JPII’s words- our need for leaders, for “brave witnesses” that, faced with the culture of death, can become "prophets of life".


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