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God’s Symphony

I once had the pleasure to watch a Composer create music for an entire summer. A classical composer who spent hours meticulously putting together notes and writing them on his score. He would take his time on every note, and with maximum love, would repeat them over and over to ensure that the listener would have the precise experience he wanted to convey.

It was a symphony that musically described the beginning and the end of a mighty river. Imagine a soft and gentle beginning where the river originated, flowing down and gathering more and more strength, ending in the immense ocean. When he finished the Symphony, the Composer would give the score to the musicians, he would instruct them to ensure that they would interpret his artistic intentions. Then the entire orchestra under the direction of the Conductor would play the masterpiece to the delight of the listener.

In the same way, God the Father created His magnificent Divine Symphony. God has given us the Scriptures, both Old and New Testament. He taught Abraham, Moses, and all the Prophets, and later on, His Apostles. They are the musicians of the heavenly orchestra that play the Divine Symphony. These musicians then turned around and taught the rest of us, and through the History of Salvation we have listened to His music.

When Christ came to this world, He perfected the Divine Symphony in Himself as the “high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek”. He taught His Apostles how to play the perfected covenant, having His masterpiece played at every Mass. It is then when Christ’s musicians, the Priests, turn simple bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

Just like the music played by that orchestra a few years back, when we delighted hearing in music the mighty river flowing down, we must open our ears to Christ’s perfect Symphony. And when the Priest consecrates the bread and wine, we are able to hear God’s music flowing through this earth and into the ocean of our hearts.

Let’s not put to waste God’s masterpiece. Let’s open our hearts so His musicians can play according to the scores of the Bible, and the Divine Symphony of God would be His and our delight.


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