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Fight the Plague, fight the Devil

From before the beginning existed - only and alone- the Most Holy Trinity (John 1: 1-3 & Gen 1: 2). They had no need of us. We were created because They wished to share Their Love with us.

God, then, is going to prepare a dwelling place for us, His creatures. And He does so in 6 days.

On day 1 God creates time (in the Holy Trinity’s eternity, there was no time). On day 2 God creates space. He creates the sky and the oceans. Then He created the soil and vegetation on day 3. Afterwards, He created the stars to govern time (day and night, months, years, the seasons). It was day 4. And on day 5 He fills the waters and the sky with fish and birds.

But day 6 is special. God creates the animals and the beasts. And God creates the human being! We were created to the image and likeness of God. Not the animals.

We human beings are the apex of God’s creation, His most beloved creature. He made us to His image, so we can reason and decide. And made us also to His likeness, because in Baptism we receive His Grace, that is, God’s life within us.

But what happens on day 7? God rests and “God blessed the Seventh day and made it holy” (Gen 2: 3).

What does God’s Rest mean? True that God orders us to rest one day of the week. But there is another meaning: to rest in God, to rest the 7th day, is to obey God, to fulfill His Will (Heb 3: 18)

To rest in God is to give glory to the Most Blessed Trinity, especially on the 7th day -but also in all the other days.

On Sunday, the 7th day, we must attend Mass. But in the current worldwide pandemic we find Dioceses that have cancelled all Masses. Without doubt, a brilliant scheme of the Evil-one to attempt to cut off humanity from God’s graces. Each Bishop will have his reasons to make such a dramatic decision and we cannot question them, especially without the proper access to information.

But what can we do to ensure that we continue loving God?

There are many ways to keep our hearts open God’s graces. Attend live Mass online or on TV. Make Spiritual Communions along the day. Pray the Rosary in the family. Use this time at home to pray more. In other words, there is no excuse not to show God our love through other means. In fact, this should be a time to beat the Devil at his own game by trying to love God even more.

When the culture, led by the Devil, wants to cut us off from God’s graces, we fight back. We should turn this comparatively minor setback, loving our Lord more and more. That's our battle!

To listen to Mass live, please follow this link:

Act of Spiritual Communion:

My Jesus,  I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.  I love You above all things,  and I desire to receive You into my soul.  Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,  come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.



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