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Do you really trust in Me?

“Jesus, I trust in you” is the signature in the Divine Mercy image. But could not Jesus ask us: “Do you really trust in Me?”

Trusting in God and His Divine Providence is one of those concepts that might be easy to say but that can be hard to live by.

Real trust in God cannot be practiced without realizing that we are totally dependent on Him, who created us. Realization of this fact is the first step. The second one is to really believe this fact, really believe that we cannot live independent from our Creator.

True, He gave us the gift free will. But this gift is given so we use it to unite our will to His Will…not the other way around. In other words: to love God is to trust in His Will for us. So, free will is intended for us to love God freely, because love cannot be forced.

And there is nothing to be afraid of, there is nothing to lose, because we know that God is Love. And the only thing that comes from Him to us is Love. Pure Love!

But there is more to trust than just believing that God is trustworthy.

Trust means that I let God be God, and I am His creature. This implies that He runs my life. He writes the script and I follow it. Perhaps this means I would have to erase the script I had written.

Trust implies that I really mean what I pray in the Our Father: “You Will be done” (not mine) “on earth as it is in Heaven”.

Trust means that even in suffering I cry with Jesus in the Garden: “Not my will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

Trust means that I am able to say: “Like a bird in the tree… My heart is quite free... With no cash for tomorrow, I live day by day” (Saint Louis de Montfort).

But… do I really trust in Jesus when there is no cash for tomorrow? Do I really trust what He said: “Do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?’” (Mathew 6: 31). Do I really believe that if He takes care of the birds in the air and the lilies of the field, He would take care of us?

We should, because He created us and He knows our needs better than we do. And “the more a soul trusts, the more it will receive” (Saint Faustina’s Diary 1578).


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