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Consoling our Blessed Mother

If anyone has stood in front of The Pietá –or even seen photographs of this magnificent sculpture- one cannot deny its overwhelming power onto our senses.

Standing there, one can only imagine our Blessed Mother’s pain of having her Holy Son dead in her arms … the prophecy old Simeon fulfilled with her heart pierced by the sword of sorrow (Luke 2: 35).

The God inspired talent of the artist can transcend the cold stone to touch our hearts, making us suffer with our Blessed Mother.

We nailed Jesus to the cross 2000 years ago. But continue to nail him whenever we contradict His teachings, when we sin.

And when we keep Him dead in our hearts -because we don’t repent and confess- we leave our Blessed Mother alone, causing her to continue holding in her arms our Lord’s dead body, shattered by our sins, dismissal and rejection.

Each and every one of us is a living temple of our Lord’s Love, but when we reject Him and His teachings, we close the doors and hide Him in the deepest and darkest corner of our hearts.

But we can remedy all this, or at least, offer a little healing from such pain: we are all called to a deep conversion, a metanoia of our hearts and minds. We are called to turn our heart of stone into a heart of flesh. We must console our Lord’s and Mary’s pain by offering prayers, sacrifice and penance for the Church, the world, and all of mankind.

So just imagine standing in front of a living version of Michelangelo’s Pietá and praying:

"Oh Holy Mother of God! Oh Lord Jesus, our Redeemer! Receive us in your Hearts and redeem us in your holy pain, so that we can serve you with a warm and brave heart. Dear Mother, help us make our love abundant and strong. Our dear Lord, please forgive us for the pain we cause You and your Holy Mother. Amen."


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