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Adonai is a Hebrew word, a divine name, translated as "Lord," and signifying, “sovereignty”: The Lord of lords.

God is the beginning and the end. He is eternal and there is nothing mightier than Him. He is Almighty God!

And yet, as Cardinal Sarah points out in “The Power of Silence”, that all Powerful God, lives to the fullest deep inside our tiny hearts. More specifically, in the silence of our hearts.

We should exercise silence to better communicate with Him. We can also choose -in our freedom given by Him- to arrogantly silence Him, ignoring Him and even taking Him out of our lives.

What a mistery! This all Powerful Adonai, allows us, human beings created by Him, to choose to ignore Him.

The irony of the whole thing, is that Adonai, God all Powerful, being so great, chooses to remain as a small resident of our hearts awaiting for us to be attentive to Him.

And … are we? Are we good hosts to Adonai? Or, on the contrary, do we choose not to silence our egos, but to silence Him?

The options are clear: do we or don’t we make contact with the Only significant resident of our hearts? Do we choose to be with Him and to listen to Him?

He does not usually force us. But He could. He has done so to some, Saint Paul being a good example.

In this great and ironic mystery, the least we can do to is to realize His Presence in our hearts and recognize Him as our God, Adonai.

May I silence my ego to listen to You,

God all Powerful, Adonai.

Teach me, to humbly listen

to Your most powerful,

yet quiet ways

while residing inside my heart.

And may I put aside my ways

and follow your inspirations and desires

now and always.



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